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How To Submit Names for Badge Pickup and Listing in the Program Guide/Website

  • If you are an exhibitor and want to put your name in the Program Guide and on the website:
    • Submit Exhibitor Name Type =  Pickup Badge and List on Website/Program Guide
    • You will be able to put in which Publisher tabling at SPX you want your name associated with in this submission.
  • If you have family, helpers, or staff who will set up or run your table:
    • Submit Exhibitor Name Type = Pickup Badge Only. This will allow them to come into the hall during setup hours.
  • If you do not want your name in the Program Guide and on the website, but want to list your publishing house name, school name or comic brand name on the website, then do BOTH of the following:

Please do not:

  1. Do not submit only a List Publisher/School/Personal Brand Name for Website/Program Guide for your table. If you do not also use this page to submit a Pickup Badge Only entry, you will not be able to check in or receive a badge.
  2. Do not submit only a Pickup Badge Only for your table. If you only do that, you will not appear in any official exhibitor listings.
  3. Do not put your publishing house name, school name, or comic brand name after your last name. If you do this, then your publishing house name, school name, or comic brand name will not have a separate entry in the Program Guide and on the website, plus your name will look like this:

Messick/Brenda Starr, Dale       or       Pulitzer/The New York World, Joseph

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