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Comik/Xomik: a Video Game Anthology

25 contributors from the Comix Accountability Club and Cult of Xomikbuk!

SPX Table W24B


Published by Comix Accountability Club

Adults Only

Category: Fantasy and Other

The greatest discord comix communities have combined forces to give your their take on classic video game genres! 25 cartoonists and artists tackle 9 game genres in this double-sided collaboration with limited retro-inspired palettes. CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER: Horror - Kyle Kerezi and SilverInBlood Sport - Claire Deely and MirthfulMarch RPG - DrawPhilDraw and DeHootz Puzzle - Shannon Spence and Brian Judge (club leaders!) Simulation - Dilipa Estrela and Emily Wigglesworth FPS - Shoona Browning and RealFunghiComics Fighter - Stephen Kissel and Oliver Wolfe Platformer - CtrlZeke and Swayze_Crazy Fantasy RPG - Kevin Fitzpatrick and Micah Liesenfeld With center spreads by Shannon Spence and Marino Yiung, Covers by Dom Monette and Morbid Tim, Inner covers by Alex Ahlquist and Kram Comcis, and TOCs by Kathy DeLoria and Alex Daikaiju. Edited by Kathy DeLoria and published by the Comix Accountability Club @xomikbuk 40 pages, $12

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