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Junction Jones and the Corduroy Conspiracy #3

TC Pescatore(w)/Locogonzales(a)

SPX Table G12B


Published by Scout Comics

Adults Only

Category: Other

After barely escaping the disaster at Forshmak's carnivale, Mister Nibs and Junction Jones can feel the Authorities closing in. Not only that, they now find themselves in possession of the most dangerous and illegal device in all reality-a Time Dislocator. Forced to travel in the bowels under Junction Town to evade detection, their last hope to break the case comes from a mysterious text inviting them into the back rooms of a blackhole speakeasy that shouldn't exist. Tucked into the most dangerous alleyway in the most lethal section of the Skids, JJ and Nibs will finally come face to face with the mastermind that set all their torment into motion.

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