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How to Use the Publisher Portal

How to build your Publisher Page

  • Have this information ready before you begin:
    • A 220px X 320px, or close to it, png, jpeg of your logo
    • Description of your publishing house
    • Table number
  • Select the Add Publisher Profile below to setup your profile.
  • Select whether you want to enter Debuts and/or Book Signings. Based on this selection, a free form paragraph field will be displayed to allow you to enter that information.
  • Be sure to toggle the Keyboard icon on the right to get access to all of the Rich Text Format selections for the free form paragraph fields Description, Book Signings and Debuts..

To review your Publisher Page and get the URL of your publisher profile page

  • Go to the Publisher page on the web site and select your publisher name
  • Review the information, if you need to make any changes, select the Update Publisher Profile below, login and make the changes.
  • Copy the link in the URL bar at the top of the page so you can send it out to your email list and post on social media.

— Entering Your Publisher Name for the Program Guide/Website:

NOTE: Entering your Publisher Profile only creates your web page, it does not submit your Publisher Name for the Program Guide/Website, Sorry!!

  • Click on the Add Publisher or School or Personal Brand/Comic Series Name to place the name of your publishing house in the Program Guide/Website

Entering Badge Names on the Website and in the Program Guide.

  • Click on the Add Name for Badge Pickup icon below.
  • Be sure to read the instructions at the top of the page to be sure that
    • You submit for badges to be picked up by your creators and staff

Entering Debuts

  • Enter your Debuts by clicking on the Add Debuts icon below.
  • Once the Debuts are entered, use the Update Publisher Profile and click on all the Debuts that will will be for sale at your table

If you need to modify any information, login and use the appropriate Update selection below.

— The Submit/Update button is always at the bottom of the page.

Special Guest Book Signings
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