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Special Guest Information

Please enter all of the below details so Special Guests will get their information into their own web page, programming descriptions and promo emails that are sent out announcing their attendance at SPX.


Special Guest Location(Required)
This will be used on the SPX web site. It is a bio blurb showing the Special Guest’s accomplishments, awards and background. It can be as long as you like.
This should be 5-6 sentences about their appearance that should mention the current book they will be signing at the show. This will be used in our email announcing the Special Guest.
Give a web link that can be incorporated into the PR Blurb, such as the link to purchase latest book.
Upload Photo or Caricature for Web Site(Required)
Upload a photo or Caricature to be displayed as part of the Special Guests profile.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
For use in our email package, please upload a photo or caricature.
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Book Signings
Special Guest Events
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